Celebration of the Salvadoran Soldier’s Day 2014

07 May 2014

On May 7th 2014, the Consul was invited to the Salvadoran military base in Ghajar in South Lebanon. Among the participants were the Brigadier General Francisco Jose Dacoba Cerciño, Commander of the Eastern Sector, Colonel Kemal Hendrayadi, from the General Staff of the Eastern Sector, high-ranking military personnel, special guests, and of course, the commander of the Salvadoran VIII contingent,
Colonel Juan Fernando Molina Membreño.

The Consul delivered a speech in the Spanish language wherein he emphasized the role of public security, in which the Salvadoran Army and Police Force have a central contribution, as a requisite condition for consolidating democracy, social justice and peace. He further praised the role of the Salvadoran Armed Forces which are involved in many peace-keeping missions around the world, in an effort to bring about peace and stability.
After the ceremony the Consul was handed over a commemorative plate from Commander Molina. In his thanking words, the Consul said “he is receiving this prestigious plate both with pride and modesty”.
At the end of the celebration, the Consul was invited for lunch with all the participants.